Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Cancel my Membership!!!!

NPR used to be my favorite radio station, but in less than 24 hours, I find that I can barely stand to listen to it. "Why Boswell?" you might ask, "They did such a nice story on you last night!!"

"Oh really?!?!?" I might reply. "Just try searching for it on their website using the search term 'goose'. You'll come up with
this delicious recipe!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Bonny!!! I hope you have lots of friends, because you will not be making new ones by saying things like: "...a goose is one fat bird."

We're not fat; we're big-boned.

NPR, you should know better. You still have time to make it up to me by sending that picture of Michele Norris that I requested 3 days ago!!!


Anonymous said...

This the greatest blog ever!! Good luck Boswell - you are really cute! PS You should definitely show NPR who's boss!


Anonymous said...

Hi Boswell,

I can understand how upset you are. I too was disappointed that NPR had not put in better search terms. I am sure it wasn't personal.

After hearing your story yesterday, I spent a lot of time searching for more information on you. I will enclose the links I found and forwarded on to a few friends today, so you can include them for your new friends.

Here is the original story in the
Boston Globe that featured Boswell

Here are two videos:

Video 1

Video 2

My flock and I (two parrots, a cockatoo, and a husband) wish you all the best and one loud rowdy HONK!

Take good care Boswell (and Mark),

Lenny said...

Hey Boswell! Are you the only goose blogger out there? That's pretty cool. We heard about you on NPR too and just saw the article in the Boston Globe. There are a bunch of dog bloggers out there too. "Honks" to you and I hope your treatment goes well!


Anonymous said...

Hi Boswell,

Really happy to hear that you are doing better. Loved your stories. You are one cute goose. Is your sister cute? Thank care, sweetie.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Norris...come on now....step up and post a pic for Boswell! Whassup with you NPR folks......at least take the goose recipes off the site !


Anonymous said...

Boswell you are a very handsome goose. Too bad I'm not younger and of the same species; else I would definitely date you. Good luck with you cancer treatments. I wish you many years cancer-free. I have a friend who has breast cancer and is presently going through chemotherapy. I will add your name to my prayers for her. Keep on honking!

Gremlin Baby said...

Hi Boswell,

I'd sure like to be your friend. See, I'm a baby blogger and think you're neat. Check out this post I did for you:


Hope to chat soon...

Gremlin Baby

Anonymous said...

Honks! Boswell! Geese Rule!

Pringles is so glad to find you!!  Mom says that you look a lot like me but I think you look more like Max.  Mom thinks since people will see your story on the news and will want some cool geese of their own. Maybe  you could post some information on the responsibility of caring for geese.  See my mom rescues geese and she is afraid people will get them and then not take care of them or understand what is involved in having a pet duck or goose.

Anonymous said...

 Also encourage them to check rescues for adoption ducks and geese as pets.  A great site for that is www.duckrescue.org  

Pringles is imprinted too and abandoned when i was a week old.  Thank goodness mom was here because Pringles was too cute to be left to die!    Everyone here thinks this is the best news they have read in a long time. If you ever need any goose support just call Pringles!!  Check out my myspace page too : )  I hope we can be friends.  


Anonymous said...

Boswell....can we see a picture of your sister please...or is she too shy??? you are very very handsome, so I'm sure she is just as beauuuuuuuuutiful!!