Sunday, July 13, 2008


Vicki Croke emailed my old man, 00F. I hope I am not violating any privacy laws by quoting a few lines:

Guess what? I'm doing ALL THINGS CONSIDERED on NPR Monday to talk about Boswell. Can I tell Robert Siegel Boswell has a blog now?

Vicki!!!!!! How long have we known each other??????? We're like family!!!! And then you go and ask my dad if you can mention my blog on All Things Considered???!!!!!

Get me an autographed picture of Michele Norris and we'll talk.

(Michele: It would be really cool if you could do one of those lipstick-kiss things at the bottom of the picture!!!!!!!)


Anonymous said...

Boswell, man, don’t lay an egg over the TV and radio stuff. Most geese would kill for that exposure.

All Best,
The Reporter

Anonymous said...

Michele, picture please. Thanks.