Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Viva la vida

00F: We need to talk.

Me: Mmm. Can it wait? I'm a little busy right now....

00F: You're not busy. You're looking at geese on

Me (closing my laptop): *sigh*

00F: So what's all this email I'm getting about you and Woglinde moving into the house? You know perfectly well that she doesn't want to live in the house. She likes it here in the barn.

Me: I know!!!! That's why I want to find her a replacement goose, so that she's not lonely when I move into the house!!!!

00F: Look, you know she does not want a replacement goose. OK? 

Me: Ummm.

00F: I don't have to remind you who snuggled with you when you were sick, do I? Who preened your feathers for you? 

Me: Woglinde?

00F: That's right. So you're not leaving her here, with or without a replacement goose.


00F: Whoa! Calm down. Tell me, what is it that's so appealing about the house?

Me: *sniff sniff* Well, for one, the stereo....

00F: What?!

Me: I never get to play my Coldplay CDs up here!!!!! And if I lived at the house, I could play them all the time!!!

00F: Well, actually you couldn't.

Me: What??? Why not?

00F: Because I hate Coldplay.

Me: What?!?!?!??!?!!? That's not true!! You always play Coldplay in the car!!!!!!!!!

00F: Only when you're riding with me! And that's because I know you like them! I'm sorry, man. I couldn't deal with Coldplay playing all the time in the house. That would be a nightmare.

Me: *hiss!!!!*

00F: Look, if you had told me this earlier, we could have bought you a stereo to play up here in the barn.

Me: A stereo!!!!! My own? Really!!!!????

00F: Do you want to go pick one out this weekend? 

Me: *tail wriggle*

00F: Ok, then. Why don't you do a little research online before we go? I think you'll need one with an infinite repeat function.

Me: And a subwoofer?

00F: If you must.

Me: Viva la vida!!!!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I Don't Understand Women

I really don't.

A couple posts ago, I recounted a conversation I had with 00F, in which I all but convinced him that it would be a great thing for both of us if I moved into the house. Reader comments were extremely supportive of this idea. In fact, many of you had helpful suggestions for amenities that I might enjoy! 

There was one exception, a certain "Shelly T," who suggested that I had a "pretty sweet set-up" in the barn. And that I should be happy where I am!!!!!!

What? Who could possibly say such a weird thing??!?!??!? And why?

Folks, I may not be the most tech-savvy goose in the blogosphere, but when I saw this, I knew "Shelly T" had to be my sister, Woglinde!!

The next morning I decided to confront her. "Look, sis.  I know you are 'Shelly T'. Why are you trying to sabotage my plans?!?!??!" 

She clucked and turned away from me. I knew she was going to start crying. Oh no!!!!

"Look here, Woglinde, don't cry!!!" I said. "You can get another goose to keep you company in the barn if you don't want to live in the house!!! I saw lots of them on!!!!"

Nope. She doesn't want another goose. She wants me! Why????

"Woglinde, you're too good for me! You deserve better!! I'm a selfish jerk. Just look at this cool goose named Goliath!!!"

Nope. Nope. Nope. She wouldn't even look at the computer. 

Woglinde, I completely understand that you are a simple country goose, and that you want to live in a barn. But I want more! I want excitement! I want adventure! I want to go driving with my head out the window listening to Coldplay!!!! I want to watch the Daily Show before I go to bed! And I am not getting that in the barn!! Don't you understand?!?!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Why do Round, Shiny Objects Turn Me into a Raving Lunatic?

I really cannot explain it. I will have to ask Dr. Mayer next time I see him.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Where I Don't Live and Why I Don't Live There

Thanks for all the comments and emails everyone has been sending me!!!!!! 00F says that he is amazed at how kind everyone has been to a goose. Why shouldn't they be kind???? I'm a great guy!!!!

I have been feeling a little droopy today from the chemo last week, but not so droopy that I can't answer some fan-mail before bedtime.

I'll start with a very interesting question from Bill in Chicago.

"Boswell, if you're that darn special, why do you live in a barn and not in a house with 00F?"

Brilliant question, Bill. I have no idea!!!!

So I tonight I ask 00F the very same question.

"Well, Peanut." (He always calls me Peanut when he is explaining something that he thinks I won't understand. I hate that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) "There are at least three reasons I can think of...."

"Go on," I say. Three reasons!!!!! What could they be?!?!?!?!?!?!

"Well, for one, geese can't be house-trained."

Hmm. Is that my fault?? Not worth asking. "You know, there is a woman that makes diapers for geese so that they can spend more time inside a house with the person they love," I offer, wiggling my tail feathers.

"Forget it. You are not wearing a diaper. You're over two years old."

This is ridiculous. "Well, I'm not sure how to put this tactfully. But if I did happen to have a SMALL accident or two inside the house, there is no way it would even be visible under all the giant mounds of dog and cat fur all over the floor!" Take that!!!


"OK, good, that's taken care of. What are the other two reasons?"

"Well, Emma lives in the house and you know she would not mind having you for lunch."

Emma is a Siberian Husky. She eats cute little creatures like me just for the heck of it. She must be part wolf. There are also two other dogs, Ossies, I think, called Nick and Wally. Both the boys are clueless, but they do respect my authority.

"I think Emma has made some really good progress lately," I say. "She's a lot more interested in eating the waterfowl pellets than she is in eating me!! You know you were very successful in training her not to eat the cats!! So... I guess it's just a matter of you finding the time in your schedule to finish training her. Unless, of course, you just don't have the time." I punctuate this with a very loud *sigh* to make it clear that I remember that he did have the time to take Emma and the other dogs (and Nafob!!) to France last year... while I was boarded at the vet!!!!!!!!!

"So what are you saying then? You're going to walk around with some pellets to offer her when she is in the mood for a snack?"

Sheesh! He can be so dense. "No, I am saying that when you have a dog, it is your responsibility to train it!!!!!!!!"


I have him on this one and he knows it!!!!!! YAY!!!!! Where should I put my water buckets? My arugula bowl? My pellets? My picture of Michele Norris when it comes??? So many things to decide when you are moving!!!!

"Were there any other reasons you can think of?"

"Yes. There is one big one," he says. "And I'll let you think about what it might be. It's time for bed. Good night. I love you. Good night, Woglinde," he says to my sister. "I love you, angel."

Hmm. What could that other reason be?????

Cancel my Membership!!!!

NPR used to be my favorite radio station, but in less than 24 hours, I find that I can barely stand to listen to it. "Why Boswell?" you might ask, "They did such a nice story on you last night!!"

"Oh really?!?!?" I might reply. "Just try searching for it on their website using the search term 'goose'. You'll come up with
this delicious recipe!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Bonny!!! I hope you have lots of friends, because you will not be making new ones by saying things like: "...a goose is one fat bird."

We're not fat; we're big-boned.

NPR, you should know better. You still have time to make it up to me by sending that picture of Michele Norris that I requested 3 days ago!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Attention all geese

In yesterday's post, I mentioned that I had met a woman who told me about a collision between her car and a goose. This morning I see that she has written a comment on that post to clarify that it was the goose that ran into her car, and furthermore, that the goose walked away unharmed. (Well, maybe missing a feather or two.) I'm tempted to say that the goose was almost certainly a Chinese goose. (They can be such airheads!!!) But I'd rather take the opportunity to tell all you geese out there that you should only run into a car
  1. when it is stopped,
  2. when a door is open, and
  3. when someone would like you to be in the car with them.
In the future, I'll post a video to demonstrate how this is done correctly. And for those of you who don't know what a car is, they look like this.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

No sharks!

Went kayaking again tonight in Fiddler's Pond. I'm getting a lot more comfortable way out in the deep water, but I'm still on the lookout for sharks. 00F says that no one has ever sighted a shark in a freshwater pond. I reply (quoting Donald Rumsfeld): "The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence."

"Fine," says 00F, and starts humming the theme from Jaws, as he paddles out into even deeper water.

"I'll give you 10 seconds to stop that," I honk, "or I'm swimming off with your paddle." I guess he got the message, because then he started singing "Home on the Range" (my favorite song!!!!). Things cooled down after that. 00F just needs to be reminded who's the boss once in a while.

When we got back to shore, we met a family that was fishing. (There aren't that many fish in Fiddler's Pond, but I was not going to be the one to tell them that!) They were an extremely nice family, although I'm not entirely sure why the woman told me she hit a goose with her car. Ouch!! I don't even like to think about things like that!!! You can imagine my relief when she said she did not live in Connecticut!!!!!!

They had a girl named Payton. (Cool name! I'm naming our next gosling Payton!!) Payton was super-sweet and not at all afraid of me! I let her pet my ticklish spot on my chest. Payton, I like you!!!!! Write to me, ok?!?!?!?!?


Vicki Croke emailed my old man, 00F. I hope I am not violating any privacy laws by quoting a few lines:

Guess what? I'm doing ALL THINGS CONSIDERED on NPR Monday to talk about Boswell. Can I tell Robert Siegel Boswell has a blog now?

Vicki!!!!!! How long have we known each other??????? We're like family!!!! And then you go and ask my dad if you can mention my blog on All Things Considered???!!!!!

Get me an autographed picture of Michele Norris and we'll talk.

(Michele: It would be really cool if you could do one of those lipstick-kiss things at the bottom of the picture!!!!!!!)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

OMG!!! Am I really that fat????

Just saw this segment about me on NECN.

I know television is supposed to make you look 10 pounds fatter, but I look like a Butterball turkey!!!

I am eating just one leaf of organic baby arugula for breakfast and one for dinner. That's it. Nothing else. Also, if I go kayaking tonight, I'm not going to sit in the cockpit for 90% of the trip like I usually do.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Tufts trip #234

Drove up to Tufts yesterday for some poking and prodding. Sat on the lap of 00F (00 Feathers! He doesn't have a single feather!!!!! Can you believe it?? LOL!!! ROFL!!!!!). That was nice. Nafob (Not a friend of Boswell) drove.

I tried to be nice to Nafob, in spite of the way he annoys me. (Note to Nafob: Don't try to be my friend!!! I have enough friends!!)

When we got to Tufts, wow! there was a television crew to film me! Cool! Or so I thought for about 5 seconds. And then it quickly turned into a Stanley Kubrick production. Seriously, I think they made me do 60 takes of just walking in the front door. And what's disturbing is that I nailed it on the first take. Whatever. I tried to call in for the editing session, but no one was answering at NECN. (Note to NECN: "Honk!" means put me through immediately! Not: "Put me on hold for 5 minutes and then disconnect me!")

Riddle me this: Why are all the techs and front-desk women at Tufts so cute? I'm in love with all of them, and, I admit it, I did flirt shamelessly. Sue me.

Dr. Candy was there. I love Dr. Candy. I did give her a little hiss when I first saw her, just to show her that I am not pleased that she is working somewhere else. But once I made that clear, I was on my best behavior. (Dr. Candy: I need your picture for my blog!!! 00F forgot to take our picture together! I am so angry with him!!!!)

Author/journalist Vicki Croke was also there. I think she was the one responsible for the whole media circus. And yes, I know, maybe I could have been a bit friendlier to her. But I don't want her to think that just because she writes about me for the Boston Globe (whatever that is) and features me in news segments, that I am going to eat dandelions out of her hand. What would she think of me?

Filming. Poking. Filming. More poking. Dr. Mayer held me on my back for my treatment. (Note to Dr. Mayer: Was that really necessary???) More filming. Look this way. Don't look at the camera. Being a celebrity is hard work.

On the way home, we stopped at Blooming Acres Farm. They let me in! No one ever lets me in their stores! (Why is that?) I was delighted. But I did notice a conspicuous lack of merchandise displayed at my level. Wait. I take that back. There was a very nice display of tick tweezers right where I could browse it. Extremely interesting, even though I could not figure out how to get the tweezers off the cardboard. I hope that was not an IQ test!!